Sunday, October 24, 2010

Completely pointless

Are we so arrogant not to believe that there isn't another us out there, thinking the same things, feeling exactly the same, the same me typing another entry. I find the whole concept so hard to understand but when you think about it how can it NOT be possible. There are so many other galaxies so much bigger than ours. Maybe we're the only humans that don't know there are others out there and when we finally do make contact the other us will be like "lol you guys are so stupid, we killed off that Bush guys ages ago". 

What if there was that perfect world that we all think about, when every thing would work as we wanted, more importantly, needed it too. How different would we be? What would I look like to the other me? Would she be taller, skinnier, fatter, longer hair or would she be alien like? haha like massive head tiny body walks on her hands with only peach fuzz for hair. OR do we not exactly exist at all? Are we just characters of someone else's imagination and they are living in a reality created by the imagination of others, you get the idea? What if it all isn't real at all? The hurt, the pain, the happiness and the love would be for nothing? Just think about how insignificant our little lives are or could be. 

Sorry to bring the mood down guys. 


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